Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Tena Tyaktena Bhunjeetaah

तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीता:
(Renounce and rejoice - Eeshopanishad)

Ramakrushnaa said - a maid servant calls the child in the house as ‘my child’ knowing fully well her own child is back at her home. She enjoys playing with it but forgets it when she leaves the house. No attachment. Live with others like that.

Paid mourners wail more and shed more tears for the departed. All emotions look sincere and true. Act your part and go away.

A paid audience laughs for TV serial soundtracks. Play your role and depart.

Enjoy ice cream but never be greedy - never expect to receive it all the time - never ever have a longing for the next cone.

This world belongs to God. As His child, you must enjoy the world freely. And when the call comes - depart without any regrets.*


* Regrets for not sharing goodies with others AND no desires for things left behind. Desire must be rooted out from heart ; giving up physically but entertaining in heart is dambhaachaara ( hypocracy ). Omar Khayyam in his Rubayiyat tells you the same.

Aa No Bhadraah Krutavo Yantu Vishwatah

आ नो भद्रा: कृतवो यन्तु विश्वत:
(May good thoughts come from all over)
Upanishads say thoughts come from outside; that is, direct inspiration. *

You read scriptures and books by masters. You listen to elders and teachers. So the thoughts that come out are but recollections of what was read or heard. No originality can be claimed. No individual authority can be claimed. How then can you claim authorship and put your name on what you write or speak ?

- Shanti Shanti Shantihi -

* Revelations are Divine Voices heard from the skies. Our Vedas arew revelations. Kur-ran is revelations. Ten Commandments are revelations. Inspirations are silent voices prompting you from within.