Sunday 5 August 2007

Amrutasya Putraah - (Immortal Sons)

अमृतस्य पुत्राः

(Immortal Sons)

Vivekaananda often dinned into our ears the drumbeats of Vedanta - Oh, ye immortal sons. Shankarachaarya also calls us so. We as children of God have to be immortal!

Jesus is called Son of God. It means He knew He is spirit and not the flesh. If you give up the idea you are a body, you are a son too, you are Jesus yourself too.

A medical student wanted to write on the taste of death. So he consumed potaasium nitrate and wrote until his mind failed or his hand failed, whichever was earlier to fail.

Well, I do NOT scent death around. But here I record what wise men have said about taste and scent of death.
**If you give up identifying yourself with the body, you lose fear of death once for all, said RamaNa. BODY IS BUT A LIVING CORPSE, HE USED TO SAY. IT MEANS HE IS HAPPY IRRESPECTIVE OF WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BODY OR WHAT THE BODY DOES.

**You change clothes. In death, you change bodies. This is all to it, says the Lord in the Geetaa.

** In Japan, death is just changing rooms. In fact , RaamakRuShNa used the same words when he appeared in a vision to ShaaradaamaNi - Why are you worried? From this to that room I've shifted.

** Don't identify yourself with the character you are acting while on the stage. The character is
born in the beginning of every show and ends at the end of the show. You are untouched. After all, you are immortal.

** Tagore sang - MaraNa re tumi mama Shyaama samaana. Oh Death, you are as dear to me as Shyaama. When I hear His baansuri, you are forgotten.

** Aananda , Buddha's nephew and beloved disciple was crying during last moments of Buddha"s life, Buddha said - He has been with me for over 50 years. Why is he crying? Is this all he had learnt during last 50 years?

** RamaNa's last laugh. He had his own Aananda and he repeated the same questions on his last day. Well, devotees kept pestering him to put off his cancer. When you have finished your meal, do you preserve the leaf plate? he asked another. After selling and throwing off the bundle of firewood, you feel relieved, he commented. Finally, he announced - Everything will be OK after two days. On the third day, he left with a smile on his face. OK!


** Jesus had forecast His end and also the mode of departure. But He accepteed death as a freind ! He told Peter - You will deny Me thrice before the cock crows at sunrise tomorrow morning. To save his skin, Peter did just that and let Jesus die on the cross. Jesus did not curse him.

** Aham Brahmaasmi. I am Brahman, the Vedas remind us to realise. My Father and I are One, Jesus asserted. Pure Advaitha. Any further proof required of your immortal nature?

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