Friday, 13 June 2008

yoga-viyoga-- Union - Seperation.

Four paths are prescribed for Union with God. I can adopt anyone of them . I is the base in following any path. I have to do bhakti. I have to perform Karma. I have to undergo yoga. I have to meditate.
Who is this I ? Is this I seperated from God to begin with, Ramana asks.
I is one and identical with God. You shed off you clothes, the external (dress ) and internal ( body with five koshas.) Go naked. It is actually Viyoga of what is not one and integral with YOU !

Of course for immature souls like us, the four paths help in shedding off the coverings. Ramana's PATH is direct. Question the very existence of coverings. You are GOD yourself when you start, on the path, whichever you have chosen and when you reach the destination. Incidentally , destination was the starting point itself. This comes as a revelation.
It is like dreaming you are going to Ramanashrama while sleeping in Ramashrama itself and waking up to see you areTHERE itself !

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