Tuesday 3 July 2007


(The idea that "I am the body," i.e, ego)

Ego ties you down to a body, limits you and deprives you of all happiness which is yours by birthright.

The mind is its own place and can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven - said the blind poet, Milton. Buddha said the same in different words.

The mind is fickle and dodges you (Of course, the mind has to be fickle and transient to see a film projected from fast moving pictures). But for other purposes, the mind has to be steady.
As soon as it wakes up, the mind looks for some support. It cannot stand by itself, unattached. It attaches itself to the body and takes on the body as itself i.e., I am this body. Then follows the idea of you and he. Relationships mushroom and the mind loses its pristine nature and gets bogged down in the mire of worldliness - sorrow sprinkled with pleasures here and there. The inherent state of peace and bliss is lost.

Arrest the mind in its natural state and let it not do harakiri when it wakes up from sleep. "I am" is your nature, your being. "I am this body, or another" is going off at a tangent and losing identity.

When asked to identify Himself, God identified Himself as Jehovah (I am!) to Moses. "I AM THAT I AM" is the only sentence in the Bible in all capital letters. Later, Jesus asserts - Before Abraham, I am!

Aham is our word for I am. It is the first Name of God, preceding and even more sacred than Om.

The world goes on at God's will and plan. Don't get ensnared and entangled in it. "Still the mind and know I am God," Jesus says. You need do nothing else. A body is not required to do nothing. You are already God. This comes as revelation.

Tat Twam Asi - That Thou Art.

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