Thursday 5 July 2007

Vidyaa Dadaati VinayaM

विद्या ददाति विनयं
(Education gives you humility)

The shloka goes - Education gives you humility. Humility enhances your worthiness. Worthiness brings in appreciation and money. With money, you lead a virtuous life, that is, a peaceful and happy life.

That is the prescription for success and happiness in life. (Sitting and eating wealth from elders is no success in life.)

A PhD is an achievement to feel happy but not proud about. It should make you realise how vast is the field of knowledge and to realise that there is a power Who guides man in his endeavours. Humility ensues with this attitude.

Humility opens the door and you are appreciated and well-employed. Work honestly and earn money. Enjoy life with family, helping neighours whenever necessary.

In the Geetaa, a shloka begins with विद्याविनयसम्पन्ने vidyaavinayasampanne - one full of humility born of learning, not necessarily from scriptures nor book-knowledge. An illiterate man can be become wise by observing wise people. A brahmin known for his virtuousness. A cow, an elephant, a dog, a dog-flesh-eating man - all are seen with equality by the Learned Man. He respects life in all and accepts all as God's children.

This does not mean the learned man is blind to the value of each, man or animal. Each is respected for their respective virtues - for their contributions to the wellbeing of others in the society.

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