Wednesday 18 July 2007

krutakarma /karmakrut - A person who has done his JOB.

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Krutakarma and Karmakrut are two combined words ( karma and krut ) meaning the same. Both are used in the Geethaa. It defines a person who has achieved his goal in life successfully.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We have two goals in life - first for sake of family, society and motherland and second for personal uplift i.e. spiritual .

Acquire knowledge and work and earn. Marry, raise a family. Bring up children , educate them,
get them married and see them happily settled. Retire from work , live in peace on a hill station. This is generally considered a successful life.
This life has achieved the first three goals set for man. The fourth goal is lost sight of. Moksha is forgotten . This fourth goal is to be pursued simultaneously during toiling for the first three. Otherwise, it is like travelling to see God and getting off at the garden of God's palace and being content with the flowers in the garden. Such persons have not succeeded in life, not done their job well. One has to cross the doorstep and enter into the presence of God.

THE GOAL MOKSHA can be and should be pursued from the beginning itself and simualtaneously with other three wordly goals. But this Moksha is after shedding the body.

We have four aashramas and the last aashrama can be entered without passing through earlier three. Shankaraachaarya, Ramakrushna and Ramana entered sanyaasa aashram even while still in the first aashram. The latter two did even study scriptures. ( THEY did their homework in previous births.) They are called ATYAASHRAMEES. THEY HAD TRANSCENDED THE GAMUT OF AASHRAMAS. THEY ARE MUKTAS WHILE STILL IN THE BODY -JEEVANMUKTAS .

Katakarma or Karmakrut is another name of a jeevanmukta. (Like an emeritus profeesor freed from any assignments. His own master. ) They may be seen performing actions like a common man. They are all good actions because they are done by GOD. They are uncocerned about the results and what others will think. Praise or blame make no difference to him. He lives in the PRESENCE OF GOD -HERE (no waiting for heaven after ) and in perfect bliss a long as his destiny has fixed the span of life. IT is immaterial to him whether his body is given an honourable farewel or thrown into a gutter. He had discarded the body long back.

A fan continues to rotate for some more time even after electricity is switched off. Momentum . Jnaani's body carries on by momentum.

You hold to bars tight when you kearn cycling. Once you get balance your grip loosens. You may give hold even . Jnaani has his hands off his body once for all.

Thoughts rush out from your mind. A Jnaani has to exert to get a thought out.

Now what is the KARMA done by then blessed souls ? Karma here is the effort put in to gain spiritually. Getting a degree and earning money is not meant.

Krutakrutya and Kruthartha are two other words used in general . Narendra is krutakrutya by his service to parents. He is Krathartha, has given a meaning to life by his selfless service. His life is SAARTHAKA.

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