Saturday 7 July 2007


(In the company of God)

Satsanga is the meeting of a group of people to talk and hear about God and scriptures and listen to discourses. tuShyanti cha ramanti cha - as the Lord says in the Geetaa. The members of the group feel elevated and enthralled. And strengthen their faith in God.

RamaNa, however, gives a new meaning - he calls it living in the company of God, living in God!

Napoleon Hill talks of the Master Mind in his book - Acres of Diamonds. The book is better than Dale Carnegie's book - How to Win Friends and Influence People. Ford and two other businessmen/industrialists, met in a retreat once a year and spent a fortnight in isolation. They hardly met except at the dining table. And talked little. But in silence, a Master Mind evolved and their brains got new bright ideas to go for more business and enterprises.

During Satsanga, a Master Mind of the like-minded people takes over. The assembled men benefit and become more devoted to God. During visit to temples, the same benefit accrues.
But at home, too, like-minded members of a family can as well enjoy Satsanga even in midst of household responsibilities and work. A man by himself can enjoy Satsanga at work in office, in the bus during travel up and back from office. God is ever available at any place, giving you company. Always keep this in mind.

RamaNa was the most active member of the Aashrama, not relaxing on a bed all day long. He was the first to leave bed, much before sunrise. He would be in the kitchen cutting vegetables, grinding chutney and all that. He was a good cook, too. Of course, he would eat minimum. saying - one iddli is enough for a man who sits idle on the bed and gives darshan.

In Sahaja Sthiti, i.e., in the natural state of being. Perfect man in Satsanga every moment of life.

Swaami Raamdaas demonstrated Satsanga in practice. When a devotee came for initiation, he gave her no directions except asking her to report to him each evening what she did that day. By and by, her wasteful acivities ceased as she would not like to tell her guru of her idling time on useless activities. One day he told her - report all talk you had during the day. She ceased talking on unnecessary matters. Finally, her talks were restricted just to meet requirements of daily life. And the next direction - Report on whatever thoughts crossed your mind. Thoughts began to disappear, and, one evening, she went with a totally blank mind. With a smile, the Guru said, "You do not need to come to me any more. You are in Satsanga."

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