Friday 22 June 2007

Aatmaaraamah Sadaanandah

आत्माराम: सदानन्द:
(One blissfull in his own Self is in perpetual bliss)

Aatmaaraamah is a person blissful in his own Self. Resting at peace, like a baby in its mother's lap.
He is Sadaananda, in perpetual bliss.

Man loves sleep. He plans for soft bed, smooth linens and cosy pillows and blankets. He even drugs himself for a wink of sleep, even at the risk of permanent sleep. Why? For the simple reason that he enjoys peace and bliss in sleep. After he wakes up, the old stupidities arise, pains surface and miseries mock at him.

After a good sleep, he says - I did not know anything. I was very happy in sleep. Let us analyse the two statements.

- I did not know anything. He means he was not aware of anything, not even his body with its maladies and the mind with its worries. Where did he go leaving body and mind behind? How could he separate himself from them if he were integral with them? He was very much aware of himself, as seen from the next statement!

- I was very happy in sleep. This confirms he existed in sleep and that, further, he was happy in sleep without the body and mind with him!

- Both the statements show He is not the same as the body or mind and He can be happy without them. How? Where did the happiness come from?

In sleep, he was one with himself as Self. He was happy because the Self is Bliss.

Our Seers talk of Samaadhi.
In Samaadhi, you consciously separate yourself from the appendages of body and mind and reamain in bliss. In sleep, you unconsciously unshackle yourself from the body and mind and taste the bliss of Self.
In Samaadhi you are not aware of outside world. In Sahaja Samaadhi, you remain aware of the world but are not affected by the world, its pains and pleasures. A Sage is always in Sahaja Samaadhi.

Add a little to infinity, deduct a little frokm infinity, infinity is not affected. A little of pleasure or pain does not affect a person in the OCEAN OF BLISS. (Of course SCROOGIE will grudge a dime from his ooobin and celebrate a dime gained. )

The two statements made with respect to sleep are repeated in wakeful state also.
1. I was out of this world.
2. I forgot myself.
In both cases he says he was happy, in ecstacy! In both cases , he acknowledges he can be separated from his body and mind. An that he is blissful Aatmaa.

Aananda is bliss. This bliss is beyond the grasp of the senses - limitless. How infinite it is is described in a manner that we can understand in the scriptures. They say that the pleasure of sex enjoyed by Indra and Shachi is the same as that enjoyed by a dog and a bitch, and is just a drop of bliss of Aatmaa's ocean of bliss.

In his wisdom, God has put pleasure at the maximum in the physical plane because if it were not so, the cunning man will stop procreating which is very much essential to keep the world going. Purpose of creation of the universe would otherwise be defeated!

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