Sunday 24 June 2007

niyati - DESTINY

NIYATI IS WHAT IS DECIDED BEFOREHAND FOR YOU . YOUR DESTINY.Destiny is the plan set for you at your birth.

Even Jesus was born with a PLAN . UNCHGANGEABLE. Being what HE was , Jesus knew the PLAN for HIM AND FORECAST MANY COMING EVENTS , ESPECIALY LAST DAYS. BUT HE never acted to change any event.

A shloka says : What is written on the forehead cannot be changed by Hari, Hara or Brahma Himself ( Who wrote it .)

A devotee had serious problems and prayed to Shiva and sought relief. Granted. The devotee asked how come He could change destiny. Shiva replied : I DID NOT. I cannot change. Only when it is writen that a particular problem can be set right by SHIVA that I intervene. Otherwise I am helpless.

Ramakrushna said : Rama could turn Ahalya back from stone to life because her husband has said that RAMA WOULD DELIVER HER FROM THE C URSE and it was her destiny to be so cursed and saved.

Hear Vivekananda: If you concentrate deep enough, you can know your past lives and future lives as well. IT IS CLEAR PLANS ARE CAST NOT FOR ONE BIRTH ONLY ; THEY ARE PREDETERMINED FROM BIRTH ONE !


We talk of FREE WILL OVER-RIDING DESTINY /FATE. Aurobindo, Vivekananda and others ask us to not to resign to fate but exert to overcome destiny, exert freewill. Fair. It is only to lift you out of dumps if things go bad. HAVE A POSITVE APPROACH BUT BE PREPARED TO ACCEPT GOD'S WILL.

Ramana says destiny is result of free will exerted in earlier lives ! Be detached and play your role already laid down for your at birth. Fate affects the body BUT NOT YOU, THE SPIRIT WHICH YOU ARE ! Why bother about body and its sojourn on earth ?

At what what time what what is to happen at that time that that will happenE happen- Sudam Mam.

What is to happen will happen whatever you do to prevent it. What is not to happen will not happen whatever you do to make it happen. Best coyrse is to remain silent. --RAMANA.


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