Friday 29 June 2007


Kunthee, mother of Pandavas , was a great woman by her own right. A paternal aunt of Krushna. When her sons went to forest ,duped by Kauravas, she stayed in the palace. But when war looked imminent, she shifted to Vidura's house.

Krushna came as negotiator with Kuravas as a last effort to avoid war. Mission failed. HE called on Kunthee to ask for a message to her sons. She said- Tell my sons that time has come for sons born of a KSHRATRAANI TO STAND UP AND FIGHT. because it was fight for rights.

Kunthee was happy that her sons won the war and the kingdom but did not wait to enjoy status of a Raajmaataa. With other elders she repaired to the forest for vaanaprastha.

Draupadee with five brothers as husbands was an accepted custom in the then society. polygamy still practised in Nepal. But rules were there. When with husband , during the period other husbands would not intervene. Once Arjuna had to intervene, forced by circumstances, and was consequently exiled for a year. In Punjab, a younger brother of a deceased person marries the elder brother's widow.

They talk ill of Kunthee for her begetting sons from different Gods and not from her husband. The sage who granted her the Vara was aware of the plan for her i.e. she would marry a person who cannot beget children.

We have the story of LOT in thne BIBLE. A RESIDENT OF SODOM. WICKED lot of people and earned God's wrath . to be burnt by fire. God sends an angel to whisk away a blind old man who was a VIBHEEDHANA AMIDST THE WICKED. His wife was wicked and condemned to die. Lot's two daughters, wicked like their mother, followeed the angel and slipped away with their father. Concealing their identity from the blind father they begot children from their own father, the onlky father-cum -grandfather in human history. WAonder wehetre the LOT people are living today.

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